
Devil's Pass (2013)

Rating: 2/5

I really would not recommend this movie. Like it started out okay but then got really weird and just not good.

So in 1959 a group of 7 people while skiing or trekking in the Dyatlov Pass in Russia were all found dead in weird ways. It's been a huge mystery as of what happened ever since. Five students who are interested in this mystery decide to go to Russia to the pass to follow what the group of people did before dying to make it a documentary. 

Shorty after they set up the premise they have a news report showing the students are now missing/dead, so we know they don't make it.

Since this is a documentary they have found some people to interview who were around during the deaths. The first person was a guy who was supposed to go with them but didn't and when they find him at the old folks home he puts a sign in the window telling the students to go away, but of course none of them thought it necessary to learn any Russian at all so they don't know what the fuck the sign says. The second person they interview is a lady who actually helped find the bodies of the skiers , and the most interesting thing she tells them is that there were actually 11 bodies found but the government kind of covered it up.

The rest of the movie is the people arguing if this was a government conspiracy or was it a yeti. Yeti was mentioned so many times that you are expecting a yeti, but there never is one so you're kind of disappointed. 

In the snow they find a lot of footprints that kind of start and end like the person was dropped down from the sky (this is never really explained). They like to yell a lot without any fear of starting some kind of avalanche which will be their downfall. 

So the first student dies in an avalanche. The second broke his leg during the avalanche and while they're recovering from this "freak" accident two random ass people make it there (which apparently are government agents) and start shooting at them. The three remaining students ditch the broken legged guy and run to a bunker they found prior that locks from the outside, which, in my opinion, is a really dumb idea. One guy gets shot on the way in the bunker and then the agents lock them in. Shocker.

They are now faced with the impending doom or starvation and dehydration, I would have rather been shot. 

Apparently the Russian discovered teleportation and some kind of weird monster with fangs that were bald and shit, not yetis. 

And like it was fucked up before this but it gets more fucked up now, because I hate when there isn't a good explanation.
-The two extra bodies found in 1959 were the two students who got locked in the room with the teleportation device.
-In the beginning they showed footage from the girls camera while in the bunker locked in the room with the teleportation portal. While exploring the bunker they find the camera they are using on a table (because they took the camera while they went through the portal so the agents found it in 1959). No one tells you how the investigators recovered either camera from the bunker because there is no way the government would have let them in there. So how the hell did they get it and why didn't they get both? 
-In the 1959 scene where they take the two dead students bodies into the bunker to keep them they comment on how their clothes are weird, like what about the camcorder, that's pretty modern looking, you don't think this was some kind of warning that you shouldn't be playing with this shit?
-The two monster that they find in the bunker are the two students themselves so how are they existing at the same time, like I feel that is a huge flaw because it's like a mix of time travel and teleportation and they shouldn't exist because the students didn't go through the portal yet so ugh

Just save your time and don't watch it. This movie would have been better with a paranormal element not this weird teleportation government conspiracy crap.


  1. Chekhov's gun, the fact that they consistently mention yetis and never do anything with them seems like they failed in the most basic of screenplay writing. Also you have two typos "found found" and "they students" :P

    1. Right! Like they shouldn't have even put the yeti stuff in. Oops! Thanks I fixed those!
