
The Bell Witch Haunting (2013)

Rating: 0/5

(It's the 2013 version, as you can tell because it has "the" in front of it)

Another "found footage" film. 

When you hear haunting you think ghosts not demonic possessions. It ends up being more demonic possession with a ghost that is not an actual ghost. It was painful and so confusing.

A family just moved to Tennessee from Chicago and they only make it a week before everyone but one dies. The week felt like months. We've got a normal family; mom, dad, sometimes bitchy sister, and younger brother who gets a camera for his birthday that he will use to film every single waking hour of his life from that point forward. 

Annoying things/Issues:
  • They say it's January, you do not have a pool party in January in Tennessee
  • When the dad is cleaning the dishes in the kitchen blood gushes up through the garbage disposal and douses him, but no one seem to think it's blood or even speculates that it could be blood
  • All the bad shit happens to the daughter, she keeps having night terrors and supernatural things happen to her
  • The boy, of course, set up a bunch of security cams around the house, capturing the supernatural things happening, but never brings them up. I'm pretty sure he just records it and never watches it
  • If you have prior knowledge to the Bell Witch stories or have visited it you will know everything wrong with this film
  • When the mom is going through family photos there are always marks or stains over the daughters face, under the glass of the frame, no one really finds this super odd because they are obviously very stupid
  • The husband has a seizure by the pool and end ups walking the street with bloody forearms until the wife hysterically calls the cops and they bring him home
  • The daughter all disappears and the mom hysterically call the cops and the cop finds her eating a raccoon in a sewer and bring her home, this doesn't seem to phase them so much 
  • The wife calls a priest for an exorcism and during it the daughter is obviously possessed, but during the film you will also see the "ghost" which is just a dirty person who lives in the cave with no ghostlike qualities

Also the 21th of January, just how do you do that?


  1. I see you had a nice little movie marathon and while I read all 3 reviews I chose this one to comment on mostly cause I felt I could crack the most jokes with your list of annoying things.

    The lost footage horror genre seemed lame to start and now it feels like they are a dime a dozen and its just sad. Even with the remakes it makes you wonder why anyone would keep producing these horrible types of movies.

    As for your list of Issues I provide the following counter arguments can fall into one of these categories:
    - Frozen pool parties sound awesome.
    - Dads clearly a drunk and no one pays attention to his antics
    - Daughter is clearly meg from family guy
    - Thats just how people act in Tennessee
    - Hobos really are ghosts in that people see them but no one really pays attention to them.

    1. I don't think "nice" is the proper adjective, haha. I refuse to watch another found footage film for at least a month, I need some time to recuperate from these. The films at least inspired Anetta and I to make our own equally "good" found footage film.

      -Frozen pool parties might be awesome if you had furry insulated bikinis.
      -Hobos. Of course.

    2. Now thats a script Id like to read :)

    3. Apparently she's going to write it haha, it will probably end up on Netflix someday.
