Rating: 4/5
Another not terrible movie, my standards must be dropping. The Windmill takes place in the Netherlands, on a bus tour of Holland's world famous windmills. There is a catch though, of course, the tour takes you to the doorway of Hell where you have to pay for your sins.
The only thing I think of when I think of Holland, or the Dutch. |
Let's introduce our Happy Holland bus tour sinners, shall we?
Jennifer Harris |
Jennifer, or Jenny, is a bit mental because she was physically abused by her father growing up. When her father started to abuse her younger brother as well she decided it needed to end. She took her sleeping brother from the trailer and went back in to set it ablaze, with her father in it of course. While the trailer burned she heard her brother cry, he went back inside to get one of his stuffed animals. Jennifer was too afraid of the flames to go back and save him so they both perished in the fire.
Curt and his father, Douglas
Curt is an innocent young boy on this bus to Hell, but his father isn't. Douglas seems to be an unattentive father. Everytime he tries to take a photo with his son he gets a phone call that he just has to take. Being a busy father isn't exactly a sin, is it? No, it's not. Strangling your ex-wife because she doesn't want to give you any visitation anymore is, it's a pretty big sin actually. Poor Curt doesn't find out about his mother's death til halfway through the film, where moments later he watches his father get strangled, to the point of being beheaded, on his cellular device.
Takashi Kido |
Takashi only speaks Japanese so only one other person understands anything he is saying. From what I gathered his grandmother was very ill, and he got sick of taking care of her so he abandoned her. When brought face to face in the woods about what he had done he showed genuine remorse, sparing his life from the miller. Takashi is the only sinner to show genuine remorse, but is still killed by a second party, which is bullshit.
Dr. Nicholas Cooper |
Nicholas Cooper, a doctor, killed a patient during surgery. Apparently he thinks it's normal for doctors to drink and take medication at the same time before performing life saving procedures. Let me tell you it is not normal, and he showed no remorse, trying to justify the usage because of all the stress doctors have.
Ruby Rousseau |
Former model for a Japanese toothpaste commerical, she is the only one who can understand Takashi. She had to leave Japan, and was hired to take photos of Windmills in Holland. Why did she have to leave Japan? Well a younger, cuter model who was apparently "mean" as well came in and Ruby got all kinds of insecure. Ruby hired the Yakuza to cut the new model's face so she couldn't model anymore. The new model was so upset by this that she drowned herself, in Ruby's words, "like a coward."
Jackson |
Jackson is the first to die. He is a soldier, and obviously suffers from PTSD. The rest of his squad thought it would be a good idea to blindfold him and take him to the red light district of Amsterdam to buy him a prostitute. But the sound of the fan, the music, and the inability to see with the blindfold led him to kill the prostitute out of muscle memory. He fled the scene leaving his buddies to take care of it while he went on the Happy Holland bus tour.
Abe |
Abe is our friendly bus driver, and accomplice to the miller. The miller is essentially the keeper of Hell's gates, while his mill is the doorway to Hell. The miller kills the sinners, and Abe's job is to kill the one's who are remorseful or innocent. I have an issues with this since obviously I believe the ones who showed genuine remorse and are innocent should be able to just go on with their lives. Who would believe their story about the windmill killings anyways?
Unanswered Question:
What happened to Curt?
- I assume he died in the woods. He was a hemophiliac with a cut, no adults, and no map. He isn't seen again before the ending of the movie so eh.
Curt, where is he now? |
I must say though, the movie ended exactly how I wanted it to. Abe gets a new bus of sinners, and the circle continues.
Hey I know this is old but I wanted to comment something, there is a huge un-answered question in the film, what is Curt's sin? At one point Jennifer asks him this question and he is silent leaving me to question, especially after it's never been answered. He always had this earie look on his face similar to the pet cemetary kid and it makes me feel like he could have actually been the devil, or even fake? What do you think and is this question ever answered?
ReplyDeleteHey I know this is old but I wanted to comment something, there is a huge un-answered question in the film, what is Curt's sin? At one point Jennifer asks him this question and he is silent leaving me to question, especially after it's never been answered. He always had this earie look on his face similar to the pet cemetary kid and it makes me feel like he could have actually been the devil, or even fake? What do you think and is this question ever answered?