
Hollow (2011)

Rating: 0/5

This movie is not worth your time, trust me, please. Four friends, or two couples, go to the brunette's dead grandpa's/uncle's home. He was a vicar, though that information really didn't matter. 

What's wrong with this movie:

-The vicar has been dead a year and yet all his stuff was still at his house, his family didn't want to clean up or keep anything apparently, like what's up with that. Gives you the idea he's not actually dead and still living there.

-The suicide tree, it seems to cause a lot of problems. Why didn't they just cut it down? If they didn't want to get to close to it they could have burned it, would have saved everyone a lot of trouble. 

-I don't understand why the brunette and her fiance were like practically over because I was under the impression that they like just got engaged. 

-What was the point with hitting the fox and then having the fox on the altar dissected? Was this karma because you hit the fox? 

-The brunette has asthma, in the last 20 minutes she does a lot of running and screaming and doesn't get an asthma attack when she got one the night before from a nightmare, just unrealistic. 

-Also during the last 20 minutes or so, the other girl twists her ankle while running but she seems to run just fine after that, bullshit.

-They have to just rely on the camcorders flashlight for light because there's no power at the house and apparently they don't have flashlights, how did that camcorder last all weekend because they used it a lot.

-A fisherman told a random story about a friar and something else, didn't go anywhere, was pointless. 

Everything until the end where they all die is useless, they put a lot of things that could be interesting to the story in but they go nowhere with it. My dad left 30 minutes into this movie and we had to force him back so he could suffer with the rest of us. 


  1. Gets asthma attacks from nightmares but can run a marathon. You ever feel like the writers just give up? I think they start to write something awesome then realize there are budget and time restraints and just give up.

    1. I think the actors gave up too because I think they forgot who they were playing, pretty sure the two male actors switched names halfway through.

    2. Lol it sounds like such a bad horror movie that it is turning into an okay spoof movie without even trying :P
