
The Woman (2011)

Rating: 3/5

I have never been happier with an ending of a movie. Justice was rightfully served.

The movie starts out with scenes of a woman who clearly grew up in the woods bathing in the creek and hunting. So we know she is the woman. We go to a pool party/barbecue where a family seems to be having an okay time. They go home and we see that the father enjoys hunting, on his hunting trip he comes across the woman bathing in the creek and he seems to be a bit turned on by wild woman's boobs. So he follows her and goes back to the house with a plan.

Before dinner he makes his wife and kids clean the cellar up, and tells them he will have a surprise for them tomorrow. So the next day he hunts down the woman and throws a net on her. He tells her he doesn't want to hurt her than presides to hit her in the head with the butt of his gun (didn't want to hurt her my ass).

He brings her home and ties her up in the cellar, and needless to say she is pissed the fuck off. He gets to friendly and he bites his ring finger off and spits his ring on the ground, which I was all good for her! So he goes in the house washes it off and bandages it himself, like how he didn't get an infection and lose his whole hand is beyond me.

So he shows his family and his wife and eldest daughter are like what the fuck but his sadistic little asshole son is all excited. Like father like son. 

I have never been so pissed and angry and a father and son character ever, they needed to be tortured and killed because they are fucking horrible people. The man likes to beat his wife too, so ugh. 

So the son also had his turn (thinking he was alone) stabbing her and jerking off. The eldest sister catches him and like of course stops him and calls him a disgusting person or something which he is. The woman seems to like her and she knows that she's pregnant, and the eldest sister is really the only one who tried to stop her father while he powerwashed her, like you don't fucking use a powerwashers on a person okay. 

So the eldest sister tells her mom what she caught her brother doing and she is disgusted and when the father gets home she tells him and he is like not angry, shocked, or disgusted at all (shocker right?). So this was the wife's last stray and she tells him that she's leaving him and he beats the shit out of her and like breaks her rib. 

So on this day the eldest daughters math teacher decides to come over because she knows the girl is pregnant and she wants to tell the parents. Well the dad gets all pissed saying he would know if she had a boyfriend and if she was, so he's all what do you think her brother did it? Do you think I got her pregnant? So the teacher tries leaving but he was pissed so he punched her. And apparently he now needs to discipline her so he ties her up and drags her to the barn with his son in tow and the eldest daughter screaming at him to stop. Well he's not going to listen to her so he beats her up and drags the teacher into the cage with their dogs and apparently another sister who is born with no eyes so he treated her like a dog and that's how she is, violent and a cannibal. 

The teacher crawls away from the dogs only for the lost sister to come out of her doghouse to bite her ear off. Well the eldest sister has had enough of this shit and runs to the house to get the keys to unleash the woman. She runs to the cellar and her mother follows as fast as she can being injured. After the eldest sister, Peg, undoes all the chains the mother says, what have you done? Well the woman doesn't like the mother because she did nothing to stop her husband so she eats half her face and just tosses her aside. 

Sadly the teacher is already dead, and the father is telling the son to go get cleaning supplies and bags because the dogs and lost sister won't be able to eat all of her.

Now for the sweet, sweet justice. As the boy is getting ready to leave the woman comes in with a sharp metal plank. She takes a few glorious strikes and kills the sadistic son. The father is trying to find his rifle, which he does, but the woman gets him and he accidentally shoots himself. Perfect for the woman because she reaches in to the wound in his gut and goes all the way up and pulls out his heart, and in his last living moment he watches her take a bite out of it.

So the sadistic men are dead and the mother who did nothing to stop him. Hallelujah! So the woman takes the lost dog sister and the youngest daughter with her back to the woods and Peg follows them. 

The movie pissed me off but I was so happy there was some kind of justice for the women.

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