
The Devil Inside (2012)

Rating: 2/5 (Could have been a solid 3)

Let me start off by saying the nun on the cover is in the film for 3 seconds,  so don't expect her to be a main component. 

This is set up as a documentary style film, where the daughter of an "incarcerated" woman wants to go to Rome to see her mother to try to help her. The mother killed 3 clergy men while an exorcism was being performed on her. They sent her to a psychiatric hospital in Rome. The daughter is worried whatever made her mother snap might be in her.

So she and her cameraman friend Michael travel to Rome. So long story short the mother is indeed possessed and during the test exorcism the devil transfers to one of the priests performing it. The priest shows mild signs of being possessed and it really shows when he is performing a baptism and tries to drown the baby. The priest returns home and everyone is all shocked and see that he is possessed, the cops show up and the priest steals a gun and shoots himself. The devil transfers to the daughter, causing her to have a seizure and taken to the hospital. She kills a nurse and the remaining priest and Michael rush her to Father Whoever to help perform the exorcism. On the way there the devil seems to possibly transfer to Michael and he crashes the car killing them all. That was the ending. It was shit. Like you can't end a movie like that. They never really explained if the devil completely left the mother so you're left wondering is she okay and will she be released from the psychiatric hospital. 

Where did the devil go next? Who knows! They could have ended this with a kick ass exorcism but took an easy car crash ending instead. Such a shame.

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