
Hypersomnia (2016)

Rating: Thumbs Down 👎 or Thumbs Up 👍 

I chose to watch this because I liked the movie poster. 
This is a very confusing movie about a girl who is cast in a play somehow about her twin sister, who she didn't know she had, and how she was being kept locked up by human traffickers. Milena, the sister on the outside, started having weird "out of body" experiences after getting the part in the play, she even went to a therapist to talk about it. Layla, the sister on the inside, wakes up feeling confused because she apparently sees things through Milena's eyes. I don't know, it's fucking confusing, they're like twins who can control each other when one is in a seizure like state, it makes no damn sense. 

How was there a whole play written about things that were currently happening, or was that not real? I just don't know. 

This movie was pretty okay, justice served at the end, which I'm usually a fan of. The whole "The Gardener" thing was pretty out there, he looked like he could be a serial killer in his own horror franchise so I feel that part was a bit out there. 

This is the type of movie I would have my friend watch because it would confuse the fuck out of her, more than it confused me. I guess it was good, confusing and weird, but acceptable. 

The play was real though, I just, was the writer a patron of the hotel, or not, because the play seemed to know a bit too much about Layla and the son. 

I'm so confused. 

Someone go watch this, and then tell me if you are also confused. 

New theory:
In Mortal Kombat the character Mileena has like hundreds of clones made of her, and when she dies her memories all transfer to another Mileena body so she can continue to take down that new guy from the new game whose name I don't remember, but he and D'Vorah killed her (sorry if you haven't played story mode in MKX yet, but it's been out for quite some time now). The main girl in the movies' name is Milena, and though Layla doesn't "die" I feel a similar phenomena happens. The Gardner could be similar to the Texas Chainsaw guy who is also a DLC character in MK, maybe human trafficking and Mortal Kombat have more similarities than one previously thought. 

Mileena is bae

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