
The Devil's Candy (2015)

Rating: Thumbs Up 👍

So I actually enjoyed this film, possibly because it was relatively short compared to other movies I've seen. A metal painter, his wife and their daughter move to a nice house in the middle of nowhere in Texas. There is a nice big shed for the guy to paint so he's all for it, even though starting a new school for the daughter isn't fun and his wife has to take two buses to get to the salon (where I assume she works) because they don't have a second car. 

I possibly just enjoyed it because they played Metallica and the art he produced during the film (a mere two pieces) were actually quite nice in my opinion. I thought it was interesting that the teenage daughter had a visible tattoo on her arm, very lax parenting in my opinion, it also wasn't that great of a tattoo so she's going to regret that. 

I assume the red track suit man is just an unmedicated schizo whose voices tell him to kill children for devil. I know the father also hears voices, which inspire him to paint the art that gets him into the gallery (who I think is run by the devil), but I think maybe the voices he hears are that of the buried children who are chopped up in suitcases on his property. 

So I don't really want to call this a demonic/paranormal film as there wasn't anything that implied that except people usually pair metal music and devil worship. 

I mean the dad kills the schizo with a flying V guitar at the end and you know what.. 

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