
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

Rating: 0/5

This has a 7.5/10 on IMDb, what is wrong with people? The good thing is the 83 minutes go by incredibly fast since the whole story seems to be set to fast forward. 

A very good lesson from this film, if for some reason you haven't learned it yet, is to never pick up hitchhikers. Seriously. I don't care if this was made in the 70s, I'm sure their parents told them this. Another lesson, don't take a handicap person to an abandoned house with no wheelchair access and not help him in the house in any way, that's just rude. 

In the blink of an eye two of the five friends are already breaking into someone else's home, like idiots. They are killed, brutally, for their trespassing. A third friend, who is also an idiot, breaks into the house to look for his friends. He too is murdered for trespassing. The incredibly annoying wheelchair kid is left with his fucking annoying sister who refuses to go anywhere without her precious Jerry. The scene where she tries to fight her handicapped brother for the only flashlight feels like it lasts an eternity. Luckily she finally caves and begrudgingly pushes her wheelchaired brother down and through overgrown foliage to try and find Jerry, I don't think she really cared about Kirk and Pam (bitch). 

Sally wheels her useless brother right into the chainsaw of Leatherface and we are rewarded with what felt 15 bloody minutes of her running around screaming. I thought it would never end, and in a way she didn't. For the rest of the film I feel they just didn't have any lines for her and just told to be as annoying as humanly possible and scream for the rest of the film. There were some weird shots where they zoomed in on her eyes and face to be dramatic, which, I felt, was completely unnecessary and then back to screaming bloody murder. 

This is one of the worst films I've watched and yet I will push through and watch the rest of the franchise in hopes that it gets better. I would say it can't get any worse but that was proven wrong as I watched The Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise, they kept lowering the bar, but that is a different review. 

In conclusion I recommend skipping this unless you want to be as annoyed with the characters as I was. Best of luck if you view it, you brave bastard. 

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